Author of Ahy, Designer, UX Expert, Gamer, Cat Lover

Top 5 things to check before launching a website

Top 5 things to check before launching a website

Launching a website is very exciting as well as stressful and complicated task. Websites are complex, the number of things could go wrong like a broken link or a misspelled word. So make sure you need to check everything before taking it to live.

01. Check for the errors

Take your time and check all the errors like the content should be easy to read - font size, colors, spacing, etc. Images must be optimized. Check for all the CTA buttons. Audio and video files need to work properly.

02. Enable Responsive Design

It is very important to make your website responsive, it should work on all the devices like the web browsers and all the devices. Make sure to test your website on the web and mobile devices first.

03. Create a Launch Schedule & Release Plan with Your Team

The scheduled meeting should be created with everyone who is involved in this website work. By doing this meeting everyone gets to know which of the things they need to do before the launch. Your web designer can check your site layout and images. Have a technical team in place for backend development so that every code is working flawlessly.

04. Prepare Analytics

Once your site is live you would like to know how is your website is performing. These analytics will allow you to evaluate your site and continually improve it over time as you know what works and what doesn’t work. It also provide you with an insight from where your site is getting more traffic from.

05. Back up your site

Before launch, backing up your site helps prevent data loss if anything unfortunate occurs—like your site gets damaged or hacked, ensuring that copies of the website are being created and stored regularly. If anything unfortunate occurs you won’t have to start over, in fact you can restore your file from the previous backup.

If you have any troubles preparing the launch checklist for your website, feel free to Get in touch with me!


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